We are still Da Hawaii Website Guy.  We are in the process of rebranding so most links will redirect to our new website.

Services Provided: Website Hosting, Performance Optimization, SEO

Project Page: bowengineering.com


Client Details:
Bow Engineering

1953 S. Beretania St. PH-A, Honolulu, HI 96826


This site was not designed by us.  This site was turned over to us after years of not recieving any proper maintenance.  The website was subsequently hacked which ultimately damaged the reputation of the website and the business.  We were able succesfully to bring the site back from the brink of being banned from google search.

Oahu Water Lilies

This is what the search results looked like before they used our services to get rid of the malware and clean up the search results.  Yes, the pages did link to illegal pharmacy websites looking to scam someone into providing their credit card number.

As with all things related to SEO, these things take time.  It took less than a day to isolate and clean up the malicious code.  After reassuring the site owners that google has to properly re-index the site in order for things to show correctly, it made a phenomenal recovery.

The website theme was built on BigBangWP.  one of the issues facing many websites is the theme needs to be updated along with WordPress or things can break.  Without an active theme subscription, things broke when it was upgrades to the latest version of WordPress.  Even after updating the theme many of the menu items remained broken after the update.  This is where we spent careful time and consideration rebuilding all of the menu items for the client to ensure everything could remain updated and secure.

phone book

Since bringing Bow Engineering on as a client, they have maintained contact with us as changes are required or issues arrise with their theme or wordpresss installation.  They know that we are just an email or phone call away.